Monday, January 2, 2012

The December Project ...

This next pic is part- though not all- of a project that has taken me about a month to finish. I decided to learn Luxology's Modo 501 as I felt I needed to get back to basics of modeling. Rendering (turning a 3d scene into a still image or animation) is a fairly lengthy process, sometimes taking up to hours for each image, so as much as I wanted to have more to show, this is as far as I have gotten.

Normally, I post pics at 800 wide. However, as I am even more proud than usual of my month or so of work, I am putting it up larger (around 1600 px wide)

It seemed simple enough when I started. They were just keys, after all. However, what I had thought was going to be an easy project quickly turned into .. "The Project that Ate December". 

Literally. From a few days into December 2011 until just after New Years, 2012, I fought this beast. Maybe it is something that would have been easy for a more experienced modeler, but I was not terribly experienced in this kind of 3d work, so it was quite a learning curve to climb. I nearly gave up at least once in favor of a simpler project, thinking I should learn a bit more then come back but I realized if I gave up I might not come back, and I was determined that this project would not beat me! So, with encouragement from my friends, and some very good information from my close friend Dave, who knew more about keys than I did, I kept on trucking.

I got the idea from a tutorial I watched, in which the instructor, Dan Ablan, built a couple of keys. A couple. Well, not being one to do the bare mininum, I decided to take it to the next level, and I built keys that resembled- although they are not exact duplicates- the keys on my key ring- 11 in all. Yep. 11. Plus a set of fingernail clippers which are something I also keep on my keychain.

I thought I was going to need to do more post processing in Photoshop, but I decided after looking at the result, that I really didn't need that much.

Are they perfect? Definitely not! There are quite a few things I would do differently if I was starting this project over again, but I am not going to fuss about them. I am just going to take what I learned and apply it to new projects. But despite the flaws, I am quite happy with what I accomplished.