Sunday, January 22, 2012

Futuristic computer

I called it the Orobouros Titan. It is an imaginary computer from the 2100's. With new advancements in physics recently made miniaturization of circuits could very well get much more drastic. This little machine is about the size of a standard USB flash drive and yet has many times the power of the machine on which I am creating my work and this blog. At least, that is what I'm imagining. Who knows what will really be possible then.

The idea is that it has projection capabilities as well as wireless access. The screen is also interactive. No need for a physical keyboard, just break the electromagnetic field to type or scroll the text (which is not from the constitution, but rather based on it- it's actually part of the notes from a science fiction story I have been working on for quite awhile).  When I get to the final image in which it is on the table with the other items, I might just create a keyboard that is projected onto the table (they have them now) .. though the key layout is probably not going to be the common one most people would be used to.

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